Fétuque rouge traçante

Red fescue is found in many natural green areas on nearly all types of soils and under widely varying moisture conditions.

Red fescue is relatively slow growing in the sowing year and has very fine needle like leaves and a high shoot density. It thrives under a wide range of conditions but is notable for its tolerance to dry, rather poor soil. It is very resistant to frost and drought and it tolerates surface water during the winter to some extent. Shade tolerance is better than for most other species. There are three types of red fescue for amenity purposes:
1. Slender creeping red fescue type - rubra trichophylla
2. Chewings fescue type - rubra commutata
3. Strong creeping red fescue type - rubra rubra
Festuca rubra rubra is the most robust and adaptable of the three. By forming strong rhizomes, it is able to close gaps in the grass sward very quickly. It tolerates extreme summer temperatures better than other red fescues. Rubra rubra is faster to establish than trichophylla or commutata and can be used individually or in conjunction with the other types of fescue to ensure a good recuperation of the grass sward.

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